Just like the song says, "You've got to put one foot in front of the other."

Friday, February 17, 2012

The season draws near

The new year is now in full swing and with it comes the opportunity to get out and hit the trails again! Thanks to an very mild Minnesota winter I've been able to get out almost everyday and discover some new paths, it's been a great time. Running trails has become much more than a physical activity, it's become a part of my daily life. I find myself counting the hours until I sprint out the door for a long run on the weekends and wondering just how long I can be gone today before someone needs me at home. I've pushed the River Bottoms trails to the max, running all the side tracks and discovering new hiking paths leading up and over the curves of the hills. I've covered all of the ground behind my apartment complex and my neighbors have heard so much about my event plans that I think they're starting to avoid me in the hallways :)
This year is going to be a big one for me, I've signed up for my first 100 mile run, the Kettle Moraine in Southern Wisconsin. It's a big step and I've tried to keep a decent fitness level as well as a positive attitude. I've discussed training with several friends that have completed the 100 mile distance before, and it sounds like it is going to be an incredible journey. Things like shoes, gels, socks, and all of the other little decisions that you make for a run have taken on a new significance in my mind, I'll most likely be out there for 24-27 hours and I'd like to remain as comfortable as possible. My high school friend who now lives in the New York City will be flying back to run the race as well, and my father has agreed to drive us down and provide some much needed support at the aid stations. We've been pouring over the maps, look at elevation, discussing what did and didn't work for us in our 50 mile runs, and generally acting like excited kids on the night before Christmas. The race is in early June so I've entered a couple of shorter distance events in April and May to get an idea of where my mind and body are at, I feel great at the moment but it will be nice to have some practice runs before the real deal.
The other big news is that my father has started trail running as well, after seeing my friend and I come through the woods at the North Face Endurance Challenge he decided that we looked so happy he had to give it a shot. I didn't spoil it by telling him that we were laughing from exhaustion, he's a tough dude and I think that trails are the perfect challenge for him. Normally I run alone so it has been wonderful to get out and share the woods with someone so important to me, we spend the time talking about life, careers, shoes, and the tracks that we've seen in the snow. Running in many ways has been an escape for me, a way to be alone with my thoughts, but now I'm discovering another side of the sport. It comes in the form of a greeting tossed my way by a fellow trainer, a smile and a pat on the back from an aid station volunteer, or simply getting to know my father a little better than I did in the parking lot when we were lacing up our shoes. It's been a good year so far and I think that it's only going to get better. Throw off those winter blues and lace up your shoes everyone, the season is coming.

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